Anonymous ID: 5d12d9 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.5152237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251

Baker and Anons


No sauce for this, word of mouth from WifeAnon who's in the OB field and is as completely pro-life as can be:


Reason for late-term abortion push is that the older and more developed the fetal baby is, the greater the value of his/her body parts due to the baby's advanced development.


Maybe this isn't new to the Board, but it's a new perspective to me.


She said it also explains why PP uses such high-pressure tactics on late-term patients to go ahead with the abortion, and why they may "mis-handle" scheduling and other tricks to push the actual abortion out to later stages in pregnancies.


Can't sauce, she's got it from word-of-mouth. No HIPAA violations, and it's purely anecdotal, but makes sense.


Possible additional angle to dig?