thought this would be helpful for any anons who don't have fireshot… this is a clip of the post in the last bread with the mirror dating.
Sounds like "My Fellow Americans The Storm is Upon Us" will be coming Friday or Saturday from the looks of things- POTUS schedule puts him at a airport in NC then I think it was a few breads back.
YW….. I don't use it much but here on the chan it's a necessity. Be careful though the Chan does have a physical image size limit… pixel wise. I don't know what it is though, I've tried to upload pics that were too long and they wouldn't go. Think 20,000px by 1000px or so.
>Im the walking dead right now
Read that and had to go back and look at my graphic and ask when the hell did I name anyone in particular as the walking dead
Then I came back and re-read your comment
>so sick
Then I said, OH. You're sick…. well, get better soon anon.
I hear that taking 4-5000 MG of vitamin C 2-3x a day to bowel tolerance (diarrhea) can really knock stuff out of your system. I've done it on multiple occasions.
>Or a large group of people literally choose to off them self.
this is the theory that I'm going with. What ever is happening, will be so dramatic that they fear being captured and held in prison, and for them, death by their own hand is better than languishing in prison and a public execution.
where the fuck is that ben garrison cartoon scandal free snake at when I want it.
FYI I have done 3 or 4 page screenshots and sucessfully uploaded them. When you get to 10 pages plus is when I'd start worrying. I always use "selection. DO NOT scroll until it is done "snapping"… otherwise you will screw up the image.
I'm already hard of hearing…. when I was about 21/12 years ago I was tearing down a building with a tin roof and was on the roof hammering on the tin without hearing aids or earplugs on. Got tinnitus real bad in my right ear and it can come and go… tonight it is pretty loud now you mention it. Also related to magnesium intake as well. If I take enough magnesium it'll nearly shut up.
Yes Sirrreeeeeeeee
Don't think the subpoenas have anything to do with suicides…. but…. IMHO…
seems like a lot more air shit going on today than usual
(they) need to kill themselves while (the world) is still (normal) because they know that enormous changes are coming and they want to go out (recognized) and (praised) not (bowing down) to us.
>Insignificant idiot
plus….. he r/t a stupid comment…. nothing to read into the r/t but he had to r/t something for normies…. good job anons!!!!
This is a (1) drop from 11:12 ET….. interesting.