Anonymous ID: 1f8d78 Feb. 13, 2019, 2:46 a.m. No.5153637   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3781 >>3970



Since 2014, Soros has spent more than $16 million in 17 county races in other states, according to the Los Angeles Times. Soros-backed candidates won 13 of those contests, the newspaper said.


Since 2014, Soros has spent more than $16 million in 17 county races in other states, according to the Los Angeles Times. Soros-backed candidates won 13 of those contests, the newspaper said.


Why is SOROS desperate to control local criminal prosecutions?


โ€œThe prosecutor exercises the greatest discretion and power in the system. It is so important,โ€ said Andrea Dew Steele, president of Emerge America, a candidate-training organization for Democratic women. โ€œThereโ€™s been a confluence of events in the past couple years and all of the sudden, the progressive community is waking up to this.โ€


With variations, Soros-backed candidates share a general platform: establish independent reviews of shootings by police officers, reduce incarcerations for minor crimes through diversion programs, lower or get rid of cash bail for low-level crimes.