Anonymous ID: ae4fc7 Feb. 13, 2019, 4:20 a.m. No.5153957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good morning dicks!


I only have a couple quick meetings today, so I’ll have been had, been did, been digging these dig dugs!


Where my optimistic anons? Holy shit we are winning on so many [all] levels. Most significant being NOKO and China trade, but still, the Democrat Party is in the fucking trash heap.


You get that right? We crossed a very significant threshold these past couple weeks: the stupid fucking Democrats can’t say “when they go low, we go high”. They’ve lost their [perceived] moral high ground.


Since it was what they RELIED on, this changes EVERYTHING. The debate has been flipped on it’s head, and now we ALL FUCKING WIN.


Take it in boys. We will never see anything like this again. Because we won’t have to. This wasn’t just another 4 year election!!!!


The. Systematic. Destruction. Of. The. OLD. GUARD!


Moar popcorn seeds please!!