Anonymous ID: d916de Feb. 13, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.5153516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3732 >>3754


Yeah, I am aware.

What I mean is that AOC is labeled as a socialist - which is what it is… But what I found very interesting is how she completely flipped the funding of the "Green New Deal" on its head. The GND is not actually hers, per se. It is a construct of various environmental and progressive groups that has existed for some time and been funded by some large investments from Soros and the like. One of the key funding initiatives for it was to use carbon credits ("cap and trade") as a means of taxing business. Her comment about using a 70% tax on the ultra-wealthy may drive Libertarians up a wall because we abhor government force… But looking at what she said versus what many of these things were originally structured to be - she was basically saying "we'll take it out of your ass-ets."


I have no particular love affair with the ultra-wealthy. Many of them play investment games and try to scheme to control the world because they have nothing better to do. That doesn't necessarily give me a right to come and take their money for my own use - but if they want to spend millions funding initiatives to use the law to tax the bejeesus out of business/manufacturing so they can have solar panels coating everything, then I think it is fair to suggest that maybe they can pay for these existential crises they cook up.


Not that I want the GND in the first place - but I certainly appreciate the way she redirected the proposal.


Then she did it again with her "bad guy politics" questioning. She worded it in very simple terms for everyone to understand. Many are willing to see it as her suggesting they are going to zero in on President DJT, but none of this is what DJT is accused of doing. If you remember Loop Capital digs, though, and how the founder was linked to Obama (and ran his campaign)….

AOC is setting up the ball for a spike into how unions and politicians have been running dirty financial games - IE, the core of how many Democrats have been earning their wealth.


I can eat the black pill and just assume she is a ray of false hope from some variety of psy-op… But I'm very curious to see where she goes with things. If there is someone who the progressives in my generation have rallied around - AOC is a very iconic person for them to get behind, and if there was one person on the left who seems most likely to be genuine in her interest to find something better… AOC is that person who is most likely to be able to form the other part of a reasonable discussion about "where we go from here."


In short, my hope is that as time goes on, AOC helps to de-escalate the left and bring them back toward talking about what to do, rather than the programmed fear and doom porn that has been hammered into the progressives for two or three decades, now.


I could be wrong and she could be a psy-op… In which case, I would imagine Q already knows and it will evidence itself over time… But this is why I think she is under such heavy attack. Those who are a threat are attacked, but the nature of how AOC is being attacked should reveal who she is a threat to. A single socialist among a body of legislators is not really a problem as long as we are all being honest and following the rule of law. There are a lot of other people she has to work with to get legislation passed, and if we are keeping our representatives maintained well, then we won't have socialism crammed down our throat. No harm done having her present or worth ridiculing her over.

What she is a threat to, however, is the progressives' carefully crafted narrative and control structure.