>>5153613 LAST BREAD
Maybe Not
Maybe its a cover story, you know, like the "training scenario" in downtown LA.
Maybe they are working with our govt (for 24 hours) to capture some bad guys.
>>5153613 LAST BREAD
Maybe Not
Maybe its a cover story, you know, like the "training scenario" in downtown LA.
Maybe they are working with our govt (for 24 hours) to capture some bad guys.
Im kinda on the fence about AOC (Let's turn these states RED!). Some of her remarks sound like Trumpisms, and others are just kooky as hell. I'm not sure if she's a plant playing the ditz to move DEMS to her (/our/) side, or if she is just an all out wingnut.
I agree that her Green New Deal sounds preposterous on the surface, but you are right Anon, that there are many advancements being held back from us.
We already know TESLA has info on Free Energy, its just a matter of setting it up. What else did TESLA find out about, that we are unaware of?
AOCs proposal to make all buildings more energy efficient could be something as simple as spraying a coating on the outside of the buildings. WE don't know if that technology is available or not. We don't know what we don't know.
Maybe (((they))) already have an underground high speed rail system that we are unaware of. (((They))) have had access to the technology, money and tunnels for decades. We would only need to expand on it. We've had the CHUNNEL for years between England / France, so it's not unreasonable to think a tunnel under the ocean could happen. Again, we don't know what new technologies are out there, YET.
If Trump is right (and we all know he is) that Billions are coming into our Treasury (thru the trade deals), and we have seized so much in foreign assets (see pdf), and the potential to acquire the $1.7T in assets from DTCC, we could literally be rolling in available funds. Many of AOCs idea could, theoretically be implemented with enough money and time.
Obviously, we are not privvy to the innerworkings of what is actually going on in our govt, but if POTUS takes down the corrupt Congressmen, etc, and revamps our country like he says he's going to, then certain aspects of AOCs Green Dream are not unreasonable or farfetched. (Not sure about some of her timing aspects tho)
Then there's HR1089-removal of taxes from buying/selling gold/silver http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1549980009.php
HR 24 https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/24?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22hr+24%22%5D%7D&s=1&r=1
HR 25 https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/25?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22abolish+irs%22%5D%7D&s=3&r=1
IF all these dominoes fall in line… we could be sitting pretty. Very very pretty.