Anonymous ID: a655e4 Feb. 13, 2019, 6:05 a.m. No.5154607   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I used to live in the “lost pines” of Texas, which are now super lost since the pine bore beetle killed a lot of them and the a huge fucking fire killed a bunch more.

So…more beetles….

A. Lack of range management

B. Too many seasonal droughts

C. High power electric lines

D. Insecticide use killed competitors

E. Some bullshit killed predators

F. Fucking fire ants everywhere fucked shit up

G. Combinations of any and all of the above

H. Who fucking knows but the goddam pine trees are dead


Probably same thing in other pine forests.

Also used to live in NM where we ate piñon seeds like candy…now they are like $30 a pound.