Anonymous ID: 9e075d Feb. 13, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.5154872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4876 >>5246 >>5282 >>5384 >>5577

Here’s an intro into Hussein’s Pelican Project. This is important because the UAE’s Gulftainer cargo operation is still going on at Cape Canaveral and also in Wilmington, DE – less than 200 miles from NYC and DC. The threat is active. This subject ties many threads together. Also worth noting: pelicans have numerous occult associations that tie in with Merkel and her Nazi roots. The bottom line with all this, as stated in one of these articles: ‘’’ALL the Russian collusion has been with the Clintons and dims, not DJT.’’’ REMEMBER: Q said symbolism will be their downfall. That’s why pelicans matter.

>>5108596 op

What the anon in this post suggested might be the “insurance policy” is also a bridge between the following:

Uranium One, Rosatom, Hussein, Dubai, Russia’s K-Club containers filled with cruise missile systems ready to launch any kind of WMD, In-Q-Tel, Tony Rezko, and the Gulftainers, just waiting to be activated.


“In 2015 President Barack Obama’s Administration quietly approved the hand-over of cargo container operations at Florida’s Port Canaveral to Gulftainer, a Middle Eastern ports company owned by the Emir of Sharjah of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iraqi businessman Hamid Dhia Jafar. Hamid Jafar is the brother and the business partner of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar – the Baghdad-born nuclear physicist who masterminded Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program. UAE-based port operator Gulftainer, a subsidiary of The Crescent Group, was awarded the 35- year no-bid lease at Port Canaveral in 2014 following two years of secret talks in a deal code-named “Project Pelican.” Treasury Secretary Jacob “Jack” Lew declined to conduct a Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS) National Security Threat Analysis that, under the Foreign Investment & National Security Act of 2007 (FINSA), is required for transactions affecting America’s critical infrastructure and U.S. national security.


“In a troubling indicator of unintended consequences emanating from the July 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, in September 2015, the UAE Ambassador to the U.S. told Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee via telephone call that, in light of the Iran nuclear deal, the UAE does not recognize restrictions on uranium enrichment at the UAE’s four brand new nuclear reactors.81 It was President Obama, against the wishes of Congress, who pushed through the “123 Agreement” that allowed the UAE to set up the reactors at the curiously-named Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. Hillary Clinton sent an email to Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills from her private server regarding UAE’s 123 agreement, but almost the entire message was redacted by the State Department.”


Anonymous ID: 9e075d Feb. 13, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.5154876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5384 >>5577


Con’t part 2

Typical of Hussein’s methods, ‘’none’’ of the 16 intel agencies congressionally-mandated to review this deal did. Their lease is for 35 years. Gulftainer is owned by a UAE emirate and the Jafar bros, both Saddam loyalists declared as enemies of the US in 2003, one of whom specializes in nuclear weapons. How did they get away with this? The Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS), which stopped the Dubai port deal should have stopped this. But CFIUS was headed by Aimen Nabi Mir, one time president of the young Islamic Society of No. Am. Mir’s daddy is an associate of Ghulam Fai, arrested as an agent of Pakistan, now serving in fed prison. CFIUS also approved the Ur1 deal. And the interconnections between the BHO admin and these skanks never ends. I noted also that Mueller and Clapper have something to do with all this, but I could not track that down. Autists, please help here.


Clintons were involved in the transaction, of course. Another Jafar, a CEO of Crescent Petroleum co-sponsored an ed initiative that secured the Clinton Global Initiative $70bn.


More bridges: >>5142238 op The Jafars don’t quit. Remember the Putin soccer ball?

Doomsday Soccer Balls: Iranian and North Korean Nukes Mirror Dr. Jafar’s Iraqi “Beach Ball”; Iran Telegraphs Intent.


“Dubai Ports World deal attorney Jonathan Winer was Obama State Department official connected to the anti-Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, Blumenthal, Russia, Clinton Global Initiative, and P.R. firm APCO Worldwide, which represents Rosatom and Gulftainer”


See also utube: The GULFTAINER Scandal! #ProjectPelican #ReleasetheMemo #Hillary #Obama, The Right Media

So many dots to connect. Much of this is old news. It was brought up last year, but some shills slammed down any attempts to delve into this. See also Dulcefoe’s video, Pelican Brief, from last March.

Anonymous ID: 9e075d Feb. 13, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.5155444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5462


Thanks to you all for taking this seriously. I've got to read this book now.

I posted the thing on Hussein's Pelican Project.

Could be nothing, but these evil UAE muzzies DO work out of the ports in the Cape and in DE. And that's so alarming.

Anonymous ID: 9e075d Feb. 13, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.5155502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5538


All I've heard from last year is that it was totally discredited. Apparently pelicans also indicate the C_A, tho I have no sauce on that.

Sessions' name comes up with the Gulftainer approval - but he spoke AGAINST it. Some media suggested he was for it.

This is a tangled web, like all things clinton.

Hope a real autist can sort it out better.

Anonymous ID: 9e075d Feb. 13, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.5155563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I never worry that Q+ doesn't have all they need to keep us safe.

The Pelican Project was part of Hussein's and DS's 16 year plan, me thinks. These containers could still have WMD in them.

All it takes is a signal from space to activate the missiles in them.

I'm sure everything's under control. But it just goes to show how close we all were to destruction.

And could still be.

Anonymous ID: 9e075d Feb. 13, 2019, 7:49 a.m. No.5155607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5613


POTUS was just talking about school choice the other day, too.

There are home schoolers that understand this, but there are also public schoolers that recognize the disaster Common Core was and are anxious to dump it.

That's good, because many normies who are older, will not easily fall into the "narrative" we're pursuing. They will when it comes to their kids. Many don't favor home schooling, so the public indoctrination centers will have to change.