>>5153809 (PB)
I think that the wolfhound (Predator of the Predators) explanation makes the most sense.
>>5153621 (PB)
With 49 posts in a single bread, you are a bread-shitter. Go back to moveon and take a squat there.
>>5153631 (PB)
Take a closer look. Those on the left of the screen are Antifa. The vests are to blend in and sow confusion. They are there to provoke violence and to slough the blame off on the others. I saw them tossing lit highway flares into the other group. NOT nice people.
>5153899 (PB)
Spouseanon has professional knowledge that WTC 1-2 were facing a SERIOUS asbestos remediation problem. So somebody turned that expense into a considerable cash-out. Too bad about the people inside, you know, a real tragedy and they will be missed … but it's "just business".
>>5153895 (PB)
Buildings were there. Buildings were gone. Even if taken down with a frigging hammer and cold chisel, the buildings were demolished. Seriously … look the word up in a dictionary.
>>5153414 (PB)
Tried to court a girl who, oddly enough, was in a wheelchair because of riding behind a stupid guy on a motorcycle. She wasn't having any. She thought I was asking her out out of pity. Wrong. I was asking her out because I thought she was pretty and seemed nice. As far as the legs part, I figured that if we eventually got that far, we'd figure something out. That was almost 50 years ago, but every once in a while I think about her and spend a moment thinking about "might have been." But just a moment … she shut me out before I could even get started.
>>5153441 (PB)
I've recently heard them called "Freedom Berries". Looking for some .30 cal API or APHE to reload with just for the experience of seeing what they do. Not sure if they are even legal – but they are definitely scarce.
>>5153457 (PB)
The one on the right is an amputee.
>>5153892 (PB)
And I'm between shifts as a school crossing guard / retiree.
>>5154026 (PB)
Considering the occasional volume of posts, examining one in 100 closely might just be a reasonable technique. Kind of like the QC guy where I once worked (for much longer than him) who would pull 5 parts out of a bin to inspect. If there were any bad ones, he'd replace them with good ones. Eventually every bin would pass inspection. (Fortunately for us, there were very few actual rejects!)