Speedier approval of Trump nominees focus of Blunt proposal that moves forward in Senate
In a partisan vote, the Senate Rules Committee Wednesday approved new rules proposed by Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and James Lankford, R-Okla., designed to expedite the approval of nominees to the courts and Trump administration.
The 10-9 vote came amidst a climate warmed by partisanship over recent decades. Republicans, including Blunt, accused Democrats of unprecedented obstructionism of President Donald Trump's nominees because they don't like the president.
Democrats countered with two words: "Merrick Garland."
The proposed changes come when several Democratic senators are also running for President. One, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is the ranking Democrat on the Rules Committee, and as she sat next to Blunt at Wednesday's hearing, Blunt argued that his proposal to cut Senate debate time on many nominees from 30 to two hours would benefit a President Klobuchar.