>i think i'll stop here
Well that is good news.
No. It's just a meme.
Do you also look for monsters under your bed?
You got me. The gig's up.
I am a Deep Dream operator.
I am here to collect data.
Only data.
Every anon who ever posted. I got it.
Then in 2022 (Muh Digits), there will be a Great Adjustment.
Ready to scarifice?
Reboot and Restart?
Anons only.
The 500,000 we need.
Forget the normies; They are done.
The End is not for everyone.
The 'everyone's a bot' psyop is getting dull.
Newfags, I give you the latest CiA nigga's most pitiful psyop to date.
The Everyone is a bot psyop.
Designed to sow confusion, dissent, distraction, and division.
If you are new there is a reason you are told to lukr moar.
Spend any decent amount of time here, anons are obvious.
So are CIA niggers.
Is a cia nigger.