Anonymous ID: 9ab89c Feb. 13, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.5159831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I really don't buy this DTJ for president bs. Sure, the guy can echo Q talking points and talk about how he loves shooting machine guns, but he doesn't connect with the people. Saying a bunch of winning phrases doesn't mean anything if he uses words like "espouse" and the crowd just waits to cheer when they hear a buzzword. Trump actually talks to the crowd and responds to their chants and stuff sometimes. The Trump kids are doing good, but they're not Trump caliber leaders. The people want straight talk, they want to be led, and then they want their values matched. The old guard would stand up there and act like 2x4s until they got to the part about matching values which were always middle of the road enough to "appear" presidential. Then people "picked" their favorite 2x4. DTJ is just carved nicely, but he's still a bit wooden out there.