Disagree bone structure matches on all points don't be swayed by makeup and lighting and mole can be faked or melanoma could have developed quickly and perhaps surgically removed
Spot on!Perhaps hehe's Sephardic, like AOC? Thatwwould count, right?
As hell just go with gringo, ese
For caps and comparing on dig, need eyes on
Fuckery afoot no doubt, the short bus team finally started scrubbing evidence
Its a slow walk, and it's done so the public can follow
And Page is right there, where the trail will end
Why would she be included in the Mueller investigation again?
Get comfy
MSM is burning the house down with all the attention on Omarโฆโฆ
So what's really habbening?
DC rats trying to deflect and jump ship before Friday? Because that's when the deadline expires
Dig meme and pray
Final plays habbening