Anonymous ID: f4746e Feb. 13, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.5159524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9592 >>9658 >>9680 >>9799 >>9814 >>9874 >>0036 >>0160

The Muscovite Tartary ruled Siberia and the NORTHWEST AMERICAS up until exactly 1775.


What happened in 1775? Catherine the Great crushed the so-called Peasant Uprising. Some uppity guy name Pougachev claimed to be Czar and was going to take back Moscow.


Except….he was a Czar after all. The 1771 Encyclopedia Britannica lists Muscovite Tartary as the largest nation on earth by FAR. Traditional historians will tell you that Siberia was already owned by Russia at this stage, but that's not true.


When they defeated Pougachev (very unlikely his real name, as it translates to Scum) this gave them the entire North East Asia, what we know of as Russia today. Prior to this, the American Colonies could NOT expand west, as it was ruled by Great Tartary.


Look at old maps, it's blank, sometimes says "Here be Giants". Don't you dare go there. But once Pougachev was completely deleted, Catherine started expanding East, and the Americans were in a rush to expand West.


This may have been the impetuous for the Revolution. Are they going to let their English overlords claim all of North America? Or are these colonists going to take it for themselves? Is there some secret deal between the Colonists and the Russians on the timing of it all? History has been clouded and you won't find the answer if you check wikipedia, that's for sure.


This is why Russia had Alaska! This is why Siberian DNA litters all over the American Northwest.


Now, why did Russia help the USA in the Civil War? Well, England was behind the Confederacy and this was their way to take America, they wanted to keep their slave trade going. France was behind the Confederacy as they had a deal to conquer Mexico (which, in hindsight, may have worked out better for them).


Russia however has had a long history of protecting the USA and perhaps there was age old secret treaties between the two nations.


Sure enough, the war ends in 1865, and what happens two years later? Russia sells them Alaska for a paltry sum.


Starting to make sense?


Just throwing it out there but lets have fun..


Many theorise that the Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazarians. Except, what if that's not right. Fomenko proves quite nicely that history before 1000ad is extremely sketchy and likely wrong or faked. So the story of the Khanite must be fake, since it happened in the 800s. But what was in the area of the Black Sea?




Romanov's eventually destroy and conquer Tartaria.


But then the "Jewish" Communists destroy the Romanov's and effectively conquer all of Russia and turn it Communist.


What if.. the Jews are the Tartarians?


Note that this would work well with Fomenko's assertion that Moscow is the "Third Rome" and also the "Second Jerusalem"

Anonymous ID: f4746e Feb. 13, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.5159658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9680 >>9807 >>0048 >>0077 >>0091 >>0216 >>0299




This would explain why Tartaria is NOT taught.


Who controls the media? The education system? The press?


The Jews/Khazars/Czars/Tartarians do.


The "Jews" do not come from the Middle East.


It's hard to explain in this short space, but it's almost certain that the Old Testament was written AFTER the New Testament and that whoever Jesus was, likely lived before the book of Isaiah was written.

Anonymous ID: f4746e Feb. 13, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.5159743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9747 >>9969





Here you can get it from google instead:


First link

Anonymous ID: f4746e Feb. 13, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.5159893   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The "Jews" as you call them would hate for us to figure this out.


You haven't looked at the facts at all yet you criticise. You probably believe the official story of 9/11

Anonymous ID: f4746e Feb. 13, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.5159951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0004 >>0097 >>0122 >>0173 >>0202



It's not my theory but the more I think of it the more I buy into the notion.


First of all, the Roman empire is completely made up. The reigns and characteristics of each Empire parallel almost perfectly. (See attached pic) Not just the years of rule are virtually identical, but in sequence as well! That's mathematically improbable.


Now, I haven't screencapped the book yet, but Fomenko goes on to show that the Jewish Kings of Israel are also the EXACT SAME pattern as the emperors of Rome. It's all the same story!


Fomenko doesn't think this history is made up, he thinks it was misplaced and mistimed. He thinks Rome = Constantinople. He thinks that whoever Jesus was, happened in 1150-1180 "ad".


He's a very practical person, obviously thinks prophecy should be suspect, so when you come across prophecy predicting Jesus, it's likely the other way around and just backdated.


He has a whole chapter about how St Mark was actually a Venetian/Phoenician who wrote his Gospel in the 1400's, and the whole story about them smuggling Mark away to Venice makes NO FUCKING SENSE at all.


It's mind blowing shit if you are willing to open your mind.


His evidence is PROFOUND.


Trust me, i am NOT doing it justice.

Anonymous ID: f4746e Feb. 13, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.5160087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0099 >>0110


>basically you're saying what we know as Roman history is the story of the Jewish Kings/Empire?


Correct. It's almost impossible to deny when you see the histories lined up side by side.


>it is odd that they're mentioned in Bible as a yuge dynasty and all, but we know so little of them


You're still accepting (((their))) chronology. Much of the history of Rome was written in the 1300-1400's (about the time that the Italian Rome was founded as a city for the FIRST TIME, perhaps it needed a glorious history?)


The books of the Bible were also being written about that time too.


The Catholic Church used to preside over a different religion. It was only during the "Reformation" that they finally claimed to be worshipping Jesus Christ, and they subsequently erased their past and pushed their paganism wayyyyyyy into the past.


Council of Nicea? Nothing survives. Canon wasn't settled until the Council of Trent in the 1500s