>>5161814 (lb) Here is a collection of many states and territories official law books showing that the Titles of Nobility amendment is the 13th amendment, from 1818 all the way up to 1876.
part 4
>>5161814 (lb) Here is a collection of many states and territories official law books showing that the Titles of Nobility amendment is the 13th amendment, from 1818 all the way up to 1876.
part 4
Here is a collection of many states and territories official law books showing that the Titles of Nobility amendment is the 13th amendment, from 1818 all the way up to 1876.
part 5
Note that even in 1876 (57 years after Virginia ratification) the State of Wyoming had published BOTH the Titles of Nobility amendment and the Abolition of Slavery amendments as 13 and 14, respectively. To put another way, if you were born in 1819 and died in 1876, you would have lived your entire life under the Titles Of Nobility amendment.
Even the Military Laws from 1825 contain the 13th amendment!
With letter from John C. Calhoun, then Secretary of War. (as a side note, it's like they gradually try to destroy history one piece at a time, like Minneapolis recently renaming Lake Calhoun to Bde Maka Ska)
And here's a small sampling of history books from 1837, 1840, and 1841 showing the 13th amendment
What's more, from the age of 18, Abraham Lincoln knew the Titles of Nobility amendment was the law of the land!
In both the Notre Dame Law Review from 1932 and 'The Life of Abraham Lincoln' from 1900 both show that Lincoln eagerly spent all his free time reading the 1824 'Revised Laws of Indiana' law book, which has the 13th amendment. What's more, President Lincoln's own Secretary of Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, edited the 1833 'Statutes of Ohio' law book which contained the 13th amendment.
Remember that L.C. Payseur hired Rothschild-bloodline Leroy Springs to operate a host of Payseur companies. A.A. Springs is the father of Leroy Springs, and the secret father of Abraham Lincoln. Thus the Payseur bloodline would have a member in the whitehouse, and nothing in their way to finally destroying the Titles of Nobility 13th amendment once and for all.
(funny thing about bloodlines, why they can trace their lineage back thousands of years, yet most americans cannot trace theirs back further than the mid to early 1800's; and it's not because people didnt write things down back then. But the reason why is a topic for another time)
The theory is this, what if Virginia is being "reorganized" with a republican governor who would sign a bill required to either re-ratify or assert that Virginia did indeed ratify the original TONA 13th amendment, and in doing so, would force all bankers, lawyers, elites who swear loyalty to foreign states to lose their citizen ship and thus removed from America?
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Theory on Virginia, Titles of Nobility, and removing the cabal once and for all (hopefully in correct order now)
yes, you are correct
if you want a heads up, start looking into the world-wide orphan train phenomena from the mid 1800s. a conspiracy we hear often is that the elites want to destroy a great country (in this case, if America falls, the world falls that's why Trump is so important) and cull the global population.
There is evidence to support they have already done this at least once before. This is why they dont want people questioning the anomalies of history, because the anomalies are all that's left of an otherwise history they have destroyed. When they say history repeats itself, it's a threat.