In all forms
I don't think ppl understand how scary this is.
Any form of criticism/questioning is now considered antisemitic. This is wrong and scary
and ppl are cheering for this.
Q I'm not okay with this
In all forms
I don't think ppl understand how scary this is.
Any form of criticism/questioning is now considered antisemitic. This is wrong and scary
and ppl are cheering for this.
Q I'm not okay with this
Are you shilling or are you just this lost ?
In our country we have something called the
1st Amendment. You are allowed to voice your thoughts about any and all. No one group should be put behind a shield from criticism.
This is stomach turning. You're either an idiot or you are one who lives happily behind the shield, either way fuck you.
Holy fuck that was a
Try harder cunt face.
This Anon is 100% correct a slippery fucking slop.
This is bad, but appears only the smart ones are aware of it.