Anonymous ID: b5fb4b Feb. 13, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.5164337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797

I saw this in notables and can't believe I am about to defend Paul Manafort! He is so sleazy I see it drip off him.

He committed these crimes no doubt. Same as all of DC!

He was passed over by RR 1 or 2 times ( I forget what anons revealed) for these crimes.

He was charged in both State crimes and federal crimes ( preventing a presidential pardon )

He has had 2 judges delivering 2 different rulings on the same crime until one Judge decided it was better to warn the prosecutor that could happen and delay the case.

The entire Mueller investigation is about to be blown up because of proprietorial misconduct leaving all pleas and convictions dismissed but the stench of guilt floating out there.

The Virginia leadership is in extreme jeopardy and appears it will be turned over to Republican control. That provides a possibility of a pardon for Manafort on the State crimes whereas POTUS can pardon on the federal crimes.

This sleazeball has been kept in solitary while infant rapists are said to be misunderstood by Judges.

Mueller is intentionally blowing up his entire works and leaving a mess behind that suggests these people got off Scott Free because Trump is corrupt and pulled strings.

Mueller purposely put Andrew Weissmann in charge of leaking Stone grand jury info because Mueller had no case against him and needed the world to believe he got off on a technicality.

That is Mueller final song. Blow up the cases with what appears to be no fault of his own.

Make sure everything is left so that some could think Trump was dirty while never following through with prosecution of false cases.

Manafort will get a State pardon by the Governor ( Republican to be ) then POTUS and it will appear dirty. Overlooking the inhumane treatment and facts of the case

Anonymous ID: b5fb4b Feb. 13, 2019, 8:06 p.m. No.5164440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4462 >>4571 >>4594

If POTUS made a deal with Mueller he better re think that deal! Mueller has ripped my family apart and his damage is permanent. Some things can never be unsaid! IDGAF if the guy served in the marines. He is a traitor and I want to see his public execution more than I want to see HRC's!