Anons, remember when everybody was speculating on what was in he paper NP kept looking at during the SOTU? Turns out when POTUS gave the Demonrats a copy of the speech he was going to give, and there were already rebuttals before he gave the speech, guess what? He gave an entirely different speech than the one he gave them a copy of! There was no mention of Veterans Holocaust survivors, the people he commuted the prison sentences on, Buzz Aldrin, or the Cancer child, in the speech he gave them! That's why NP was beside herself, she was looking a different speech! Net effect, the only time the NPC's wearing white stood up and applauded, was for themselves that women constitute 58% of Congress, and no applause for anything for America! Bad optics! (If anyone has already posted this information/theory, I didn't see it.) He totally played them, once again! Here's GEOTUS, 5D Master-