You have 5 id's? Coz that could be one dude with a TOR browser and 5 windows.
"Muh Joo!
Fuckin fuck you fucking joo fuck fucks!"
Eloquent argument there you sexy erudite bastard you!
So let me spell it out since you seem to be missing the point.
Everyone thinks you are a moran.
It's good to see you all demoralized and angry.
It's how your overbearing ignorance makes us regular anons feel when you flood our board.
Well, well. That seemed to hit a nerve.
When Q isn't posting it can get a little boring in here, so here's a pastime all Anons can play along at home when the shills are flooding the board.
MuhJoo Bingo! 2.0
(New and Improved)
Too many Anons were scoring 100 in the first 25 posts, so we upped the target points to 500!
Points earned for per-post bigot phrases.
Remember one or more dangerously over-generalized racial smears per post can count, so catch as many as you can.
Hitler/Nazi references - 0 points (As always)
Jew - 1 Point
Fake Jew - 2 Point Bonus Combo
Goy/Goyim – 2 Points
Gorillion – 2 Points
Israel - 2 Points
Rabbi - 2 Points
Torah – 2 Points
Talmud - 2 Points
Zion, Zionist - 2 Points
JIDF – 3 Points
Hebe - 3 Points
Shekels/Shekel – 3 Points
Baby penis/Foreskin – 4 Points
Holohoax – 4 Points
Cabal & Kabbal - 4 Points (Must contain both)
Boomer - 5 Points, only if addressed to you as a personal insult
Kike, Kikey, Kikes - 5 Points
Ashkenazi – 10 Points
Khazarian – 10 Points
Pilpul - 25 Points
Red Sea Pedestrian - 50 Points (Rare, but can be the game winner)
Bonus Multiplier 2x for a (You) in a response
Bonus Multiplier 3x for a (You) with response in bold red text
Be sure to call all your big scores and yell Bingo when you get to 500 points in any one bread.
Brought to you by ShillBaiter Enterprises
Coming Soon – MuhBingo! Flat Earth Edition
Be sure to copy and use the Muh Bingo .png to claim a win.
I learned it from YOOOO
I learned how to flood-spam shit from YOOOO!
And you know it works :)
And I know you hate it :D
BTW did you hear the US Congress Unanimously condemned your derelict ideology today "in all forms"?
I believe it was the US Congress' unanimous condemnation of their derelict ideology ("In all its forms") that put em over the edge.
They seem more bitter and demoralized than usual don't they.
Sauce on the UN resolution you mention?
So you have no evidence to share?
Just gonna blow shit out your arse?
Name the reddit, name the discord let me go look for myself. This ignorant blathering is why we have ZERO respect for you.