You must be new.
Some cannot fathom the idea of Jesus saying that yes, He was King of the Jews.
That can't be true at all, unless Jesus was a Jew, descended from King David, from the tribe of Judah…
Utter stupidity. Kemet my a**!
What are you, a Black Hebrew Israelite?
You fools are more disgusting and rude than the rabbis we hear people complain about on here.
Fables written for filth.
You had resort to the likes of Vulgate Latin (A Catholic imposition against the original languages, no matter how you deny it.)
Anything to avoid admitting that the Messiah is a Jew, born of the Jews, in Bethlehem, a city of the tribe of Judah, descended from King David, another member of the tribe of Judah, as prophesied throughout all of the Old Testament…
Hate runs so deep, you'll deny your own Savior, (because you dislike His country of origin?)
I call B.S.
You have done "research" by watching a youtube video, and there is NO TEXT of the Bible, (or any other ancient holy book) that claims that Satan was the god of Abraham. Furthermore, you are entirely full of crap, because there is no EGYPTIAN text that talks about "Adam," or uses the name "Satan" or "Lucifer!" That you would expect autists to believe such fabricated swill is a reflection on your severely declining intelligence quotient.
Nobody invited your sorry butt to share your kid-level nonsense.
The fact that you don't know what languages it was written in is answer enough for me to assess your skills as a Bible commentator.
How would you know?
You don't accept its meaning, regardless.
Your entire argument is predicated on a false assumption (YouTube scholar, maybe?) because somebody lied to you, told you that Jesus wasn't Jewish, and you believed them, instead of reading a book.
Can ebot catch plagues?
As I said, Satanic gibberish, written by people who hate the real God, and allies of the cabal we are fighting..
There is not one shred of proof that any of the screenshots you posted have ever been vetted by any scholar of substance.
The fact that you think sharing screenshots from some website like that would affect any Bible believer just shows how dumbed-down and ignorant the Satanist Cabal has become.
They're not sending their best, folks…