JEW as a people have really done it to themselves to be in this situation. You cannot wage a silent war against a country and it's people for decade and then just hope that everybody forgive and forget….. Not at least without making a true act of contrition and exposing the truth. The Gentiles know they have been lies to. To continue to lie to the Gentiles in such fashion will just make matter worst.
Here is an example of what I'm talking about. Video related. This JEW understand that only trough truth and real contrition that the Jewish people will be forgiven. So he is doing is part. I expect that many other in the field of Academia will start to denounce theirs subversive colleague that have been pushing for White genocide, Degeneracy and all kind of other subversive stuff to harm the Gentiles in the next few week, month and years. Same for media, and politic.
Will the gentile be angry…… Sure they will, but continuing the lies will risk to turn this anger into something much worst.
Time to learn how to tell the truth!