Dear 60 Minutes,
Today you’re starting the slow-roll of defending the honor of St. Andy (McCabe):
‘Informing’ the dunderheads who still watch you of his hyper-patriotic muh concern that our President was an agent of Russia.
As this is being conducted in the court of (fake) public opinion, we need to address the credibility of both your subject, muh ‘Andrew’ as well as ‘you,’ the agent of mass-disinformation.
Perhaps I’m jumping the gun as only a tiny, select portion of the interview has been broadcast, but I still need to ask.
“Mr. Pelley, did you inquire into St. Andrew’s actions as they relate to his previous conduct with Special Agent Robyn Gritz and General Michael Flynn?”
I need not remind you that Mrs. Gritz, much like General Flynn, was prevented from serving the nation in their official capacity due to actions which have been alleged were directly attributable to Andy McCabe.
Two of the finest officers this country has ever produced have been sidelined and are now busy defending their reputations, their families, their livelihoods and their mere ability to survive as a result of said campaign.
“Mr. McCabe, have you taken any actions, while serving as deputy director of the fbi, or any other official capacity, under threat and color of law, to falsely malign the reputations of either Special Agent Gritz or General Michael Thomas Flynn?”
“If so, were you acting under any orders?”
'I Went Through Hell': Former FBI Agent Says Andrew McCabe 'Targeted', 'Slandered' Her