Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.5168847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brock Long: US emergency management chief resigns


US Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Brock Long has announced his resignation, the latest senior name to leave the Donald Trump administration.

In the post since June 2017, he has led the response to several extreme natural disasters, including the heavily criticised operation in Puerto Rico after a devastating hurricane.

Mr Long was also involved in a row over the use of government resources.

In a statement, he said it was "time for me to go home to my family".

Mr Long, who has years of experience in emergency management, added that this had been "the opportunity of the lifetime" and that during his tenure the agency, known as Fema, had worked in more than 220 declared disasters.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 6:45 a.m. No.5168877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085 >>9381

Malaysia’s trial of the century put on hold


Ex-premier Najib Razak has said an impartial trial is his ‘best chance’ to clear his name of massive corruption charges but his lawyers are pulling all stops to delay hearings


Former Malaysian leader Najib Razak’s highly anticipated corruption case, scheduled to begin hearings today (February 12), was postponed after his lawyers filed a last-ditch bid to stay what is being likened to the nation’s trial of the century.


Harvinderjit Singh, one of Najib’s lawyers, told reporters on February 11 that the Court of Appeal had agreed to postpone the trial until an appeal is heard on a court jurisdiction issue. No new date for the trial or the appeal has been set.


Attorney General Tommy Thomas had earlier argued that the stay application should be rejected because Najib’s case is of public interest. Justice Ahmadi Haji Asnawi nonetheless granted the stay application, but called for the appeal process to be expedited.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.5168917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8958 >>9085 >>9381

BOOK: Rosenstein Held Meetings On Removing Trump With 25th Amendment, Wearing Wire Into Oval Office


Meetings were held at the Department of Justice on whether President Donald Trump should be removed from office with the 25th Amendment after the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe writes in a new book.


“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” CBS News’ Scott Pelley said Thursday in a preview of his forthcoming interview with McCabe.


.@ScottPelley on what McCabe told @60Minutes: “There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment.”


— Norah O’Donnell???????? (@NorahODonnell) February 14, 2019

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.5168939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085 >>9381

Ex-Supreme Court chief charged with 47 counts of power abuse


A former chief justice of the Supreme Court was indicted Monday on more than 40 counts relating to an alleged massive abuse of judicial power under his leadership.


The indictment of Yang Sung-tae comes almost three weeks after the court approved a warrant to place him under pre-indictment detention. It also marks an end to the prosecution's eight-month investigation into the nation-rocking allegations.


Prosecutors also indicted two other retired top court justices ― Park Byong-dae and Ko Young-han ― for their alleged involvement in the case. They will stand trial without physical detention.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.5168965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin: Terrorism in Idleb must be eradicated…Rouhani: All areas should be under the Syrian state’s control


Sochi, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that terrorism in Idleb must be eradicated completely.


This came during a meeting of the Presidents of the three guarantor states of Astana process in the Russian city Sochi.


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the common goal of the guarantor states of Astana track is fighting terrorism and reducing escalation in Syria.


He pointed out that the US continues to support the terrorists in Syria and Iraq in service of its agendas, stressing that the illegitimate presence of the US forces in Syria should end and all areas should be under the control of the Syrian state.


Rouhani called on the international community to help the displaced Syrians return to their homeland.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 6:57 a.m. No.5168998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9076


interesting how everybody and their brother that worked for Obama/Hillary are writing books.. which is a way to pay them off for services rendered..and were getting a new AG and Trump is about to kick some serious ass

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.5169056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204

Seems all they have to do is put the word expert in front of everything to justify their insanity


expert argues vaccination is a child's human right


A measles outbreak in Washington state has officials examining the legal ins and outs of refusing to vaccinate your child. We speak to one expert who thinks immunization should be a child's human right.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.5169084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Will Obama Appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson Have to Kill Paul Manafort Before She’s Impeached and Indicted?


Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointed corrupt liberal judge with an angry disposition towards Americans who think differently than Obama, continues to put her own distorted interpretation of US law ahead of the US Constitution.

Her actions with Paul Manafort alone are ample cause for her to be removed or impeached. She is going to kill this guy before she is brought to justice!


Yesterday we reported that Obama appointed corrupt DC judge Amy Berman Jackson claimed former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort “intentionally made multiple false statements to the FBI, the OSC and the grand jury concerning matters that were material to the investigation”. Unfortunately, this radical ruling was not a surprise coming from Judge Jackson

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.5169129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9156

Pope names new ‘camerlengo’ to run Vatican in papal transition period


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Thursday named the Irish-American cardinal Kevin Farrell as the new "camerlengo", the prelate who runs the Vatican between the death or resignation of a pontiff and the election of a new one.


Farrell, 71, who was in born in Ireland and is the highest-ranking American in the Vatican, succeeds the French cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, who died in July.


The camerlengo, or chamberlain, runs the ordinary affairs of the Vatican city-state during the period known as the "sede vacante" (empty seat).


While the position is steeped in tradition and rituals, he cannot make any major decisions and cannot change Church teachings.


In the case of a papal death, the camerlengo is the person who officially confirms it, traditionally by tapping the pontiff’s head three times with a silver hammer and calling out his name. He then seals the papal residence and office.


In 2013, Benedict XVI became the first pope in six centuries to resign; Tauran began his duties the day the resignation took effect. Francis, aged 81, appears to be in good health.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.5169280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9284

Congress Reveals Details of Border ‘Compromise’ to Avoid Shutdown


The details of a Republican-Democrat border deal package includes about $1.3 billion for 55 miles of construction at the United States-Mexico border for “physical barrier” and $415 million in “humanitarian relief” for border crossers.


The bipartisan offer to President Trump falls short of the $5.7 billion that the White House requested in border wall funding, providing just $1.375 billion in total to construct about 55 miles of new physical barriers in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, sector of the southern border. The full text of the legislation can be read here. Section 230 discusses border construction funding — which appears to limit new construction to bollard fencing:


The amounts designated in subsection (a)(l) shall only be available for operationally effective designs de20 ployed as of the date of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31), such as currently deployed steel bollard designs, that prioritize agent safety.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.5169333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exclusive: Judge rules eyewitness Iraqi Gen. who says SEAL didn’t kill ISIS prisoner must testify


A judge ruled this week that an Iraqi general eyewitness who says Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher did not kill a wounded ISIS prisoner while deployed must be called to testify in the case.


The judge determined Tuesday that Iraqi Maj. Gen. Abbas al-Jubouri is a “necessary witness” and must be brought to trial, one of Gallagher’s defense attorneys, Colby Vokey, told American Military News late Wednesday.


“Our investigator finally got through and talked with Abbas. Our investigator later took the stand and spoke to the judge about it. The general was there before, during and after [the ISIS prisoner] died, and he said Eddie didn’t kill him,” Vokey said. “He also said many complimentary things about Eddie.”


Vokey noted that the government might say that the State Department won’t allow Abbas to travel, as he might be on a no-fly list, but that this development in the case is huge for the defense.


This is in line with previous reports that there is also video of the alleged incident, and that Gallagher did not kill an ISIS prisoner. Rather, the prisoner had already been shot and lost too much blood, and was dying.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.5169363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Geneva to ban religious symbols on public employees


Geneva residents voted for a controversial new “secularism law”, which will among other things ban elected officials and public employees from wearing visible religious symbols.

More than 55 percent of voters in the Swiss canton backed the law, final results showed, despite warnings that it could lead to discrimination, particularly against Muslim women.

Some critics think it might violate the constitution.

Supporters say it will help clarify existing principles in the Geneva Constitution to protect the religious freedom of believers and non-believers alike.

The right-leaning cantonal parliament adopted the text last April. It also has the backing of Geneva’s three main religious communities, the Protestant Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Old Catholic Church.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:30 a.m. No.5169379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9413

Italy: 3 year long migrant job project spent 15 million euros to employ only 120


A Milan project has spent at least 15 million euros over the past three years to help migrants into work, but only 120 actually found jobs.

The Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR) is a government-funded project that aids asylum seekers across Italy and in Milan spent millions on training courses, Il Giornale reports.

The revelations about the lack of success of the project come after local politician Silvia Sardone made a request and found the results of the project to be severely underwhelming, despite it being championed by figures such as left-wing councillor Pierfrancesco Majorino.

A document signed by Majorino reveals that the project looked to find work for 414 migrants in total and enrolled 162 migrants in internships in 2017, but only 40 – or 25 percent – were hired for jobs, the same percentage as in 2016, when 32 were hired.

The following year in 2018, 173 migrants took the training programme but only 52 – 30 percent – were hired.

Anonymous ID: 86691c Feb. 14, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.5169414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canadian Taxpayers Federation goes to court to stop Ottawa’s carbon tax


REGINA, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation opposed the carbon tax in the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal today.


“Carbon taxes will cost Canadians a lot of money without helping the environment and our lawyers made strong arguments on behalf of taxpayers in court today,” said Todd MacKay, the CTF’s Prairie Director. “We applaud the Saskatchewan government for bringing this action and giving opponents of this tax a shot at defeating it in court.”



The CTF’s lawyer’s challenged Ottawa’s arguments that a carbon tax is effective. The CTF also argued that a carbon tax is, in fact, a tax, not a “fee” or a “levy” or any other federal creation. Lastly, the CTF challenged the constitutionality of the carbon tax legislation because it allows the prime minister to impose carbon taxes in any region and at any level without giving members of Parliament vote, but, according to the constitution, only Parliament has the right to impose taxes on Canadians.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to impose a federal carbon tax on any province that doesn’t already have one. In April, Ottawa plans to start collecting a carbon tax will start at 4.7 cents per litre of gasoline and rise to 11.6 cents per litre.


British Columbia has the highest carbon tax in Canada, but, according to provincial analysis, the province’s emissions have risen five out of the last six years.