Interesting question was posited the other day on the live chat.
"What Redpilled you?"
Lots and lots of oldfags, some newfags, and some middlefags like me, responded.
I became redpilled in the 80s. I just had this dreadful sense that my government and the media were lying to me… Nicaragua… El Salvador (The US Gov't basically created MS13, as well as ISIS)… Iran Contra…
Desert Storm was punishment for Saddam stepping out of line, just like Qaddafi sodomized with a bayonet for taking his nation's oil off of the petrodollar… was punishment for him.
For the entirety of my existence on this earth (Est. 1968 btw), my government has been shady.
I come at all of this, having been a lefty for a long time. But the left is unrecognizable to me now. Racist. Sexist. Unabashedly Unpatriotic. Globalist. Anti free enterprise. Anti free speech.
I'm a patriot. I'm a civic nationalist. I'm pro small business. I'm anti regulation. I'm not right wing… I'm not any wing. I just want my country (and my countrymen/women) to succeed.
This war is personal. I feel assaulted.
And yes… This is a War.