Anonymous ID: 0c2cee Feb. 14, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.5171068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1090

Something I don't think many Anons keep in mind.

Most of our enemies are reprobates.

They see evil as being good (abortion).

The see wrong as being right (socialism).

They see lies as the truth (4 am memos).

So in their minds, they are fighting Orange Man Bad for the truth, for the good of the nation, and for the right reasons.

When you add BAMN, you get assassination attempts that are "justified" in their cabal poisoned minds.

You get baby doctors calmly promoting infanticide while pocketing millions of dollars from PP.

And you get a generation of Americans thinking that it would be awesome to just get everything for free.

Anonymous ID: 0c2cee Feb. 14, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.5171365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1395


Feb 7, 2019 - “Sergei Millian remains someone of deep interest to our investigation,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the new chairman of the House …


So, guilty as sin.

Anonymous ID: 0c2cee Feb. 14, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.5171402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433


Sergei Millian is a Belarusian-born American citizen who has been reportedly identified as Sources D and E in the Steele Dossier.

In June 2016, Millian allegedly told an associate that “Trump had a long-standing relationship with Russian officials” who were feeding him “damaging information” about Hillary Clinton. This associate then reportedlypassed the information to Christopher Steele, who documented it in the dossier. A version of the dossier obtained by the FBI reportedly names Millian as a source, and although the claims have yet to be verified, the dossier states that Millian’s information was corroborated by additional Russian government and intelligence sources. Millian is reportedly the source of the claim that the Kremlin possesses evidence that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed previously used by the Obamas at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton and the allegations that Paul Manafort managed a relationship between Trump and “Russian leadership.” Millian, who has gone by several different names and has been described as a “self-promoter,” was born in Belarus and studied as a military translator. He worked in the real-estate business in Atlanta in the early 2000s, and founded the Russian American Chamber of Commerce. For many years, he publicly boasted of close ties to the Trump organization, although members of the Trump organization have publicly refuted these allegations. Millian claimed to have been in contact with George Papadopoulos during the 2016 campaign and attended Trump’s inauguration. Millian also has ties with the Russian government. Millian reportedly helped arrange and attended a 2011 trip to Moscow for U.S. businessmen organized by Rossotrudnichestvo, which promotes Russian culture abroad. The program was run by Yury Zaytsev; Zaytsev and Rossotrudnichestvo later found themselves under FBI investigation over allegations that the trips were attempts to recruit American assets. Millian has provided translation services to a wide range of customers, including the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He traveled to Russia in the summer of 2016, where he was photographed with the Russian Minister of Energy and with Oleg Deripaska. Since the release of the dossier, Millian has appeared on Russian television to deny having any damaging information about Trump, and he has defended Trump’s election on record.

Anonymous ID: 0c2cee Feb. 14, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.5171434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1466


The Fake News consortiums are active members of the Deep State who tread on our constitutional rights.


Let us stand together to protect our Constitution!


What happened to fair-and-balanced news coverage and sacred principles of journalism?

Why was politically driven media so adamant to destroy his character and reputation?

Why neither conservative nor liberal media publishes the true story?

What dark secrets are behind the story pushed by the controlled media?

Who controls the narrative?

What are the names of Ukrainian, Russian, Australian, American, British and Canadian “journalists” in “the skin of the wolf” who were wined and dined and allegedly paid cash to create fake stories and fabricate sources in the salacious dossier?

Who were the real sources in Steele’s dossier and why the controlled media hide their names from us?

Why Donald Trump cannot protect his friends?

Who betrayed POTUS and why?

How Mueller investigation helped protect United States from disintegration?

Why Democrats look and act united as one and Republicans look so scatterbrained and weak?

Who sent death threats to Trump advisors?

Why so many dishonest journalists are finally getting demoted, fired, and fallen in disgrace?

Is there a roster of active members of the Deep State?

Who created and possesses the roster?

Is the process of lustration being considered?

Will Mike Pence become our next President?

Who orchestrated the hoaxes and false flag attacks including most recent ones with a clear objective to influence the US political elections?

Why nobody can resolve the huge problem of US National Debt?


Most of the pertinent details stay hidden from public view by a well-organized campaign of disinformation, twisting facts, and/or purely inaccurate reporting.


This page will serve as an assessment if the public is interested and ready to handle the truth no matter where it leads to from a first-hand account.


Today I am the target of the Fake News; Tomorrow will be you or your friend.


Without support of my fellow Americans, I cannot succeed in this PR war as the power of the dark forces(foreign and domestic) is far greater than a single voice of the American Patriot. I appeal to your sense of fairness and American unity regardless of party affiliation. We are all Americans here.


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