“Don’t sign the bill, UACs will have free reign! AHHHHMNESTY!!!”
POTUS takes the money and builds wall where specified in bill. Democrats (Pelosi specifically) lose face - “Not a single dollar” loser.
POTUS then declares National Emergency, builds rest of wall with other funds and NO RESTRICTIONS.
Look at the recent ruling by the courts concerning the National Butterfly center. The courts APPROVED building the wall.
Democrats have no foot to stand on, they just passed a bill saying “Yes” to the wall.
The border wall is built. No more easy access for MS-13. Everyone has to go through ports of entry. Less and less kids are smuggled, drugs trafficking, etc drop to levels unseen.
Don’t get caught up in the emotional roller coaster. Think the process through. I trust POTUS, and I trust the plan. Everything else is just noise.