Anonymous ID: 2ac8ce Feb. 14, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.5175732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You have to pass it before you can read it.

Then 90% of the funding doesn't actually go towards that bill but rather black ops projects.

Keep trusting your SHITTY, TYRANNICAL GUBMENT though, goys.

Donate MOAR shekelz!

Allow yourselves to be TAXED MOAR!

Hooray police state!

Hooray Satanic overlords pretending to be muh white hats!

Hooray the coming New World Order under the guise of LIGHT.

Kek, you've all been had.

Anonymous ID: 2ac8ce Feb. 14, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.5175949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5985

There will be no "peaceful" solution to cleanse this corruption in our Country.

It has become too infiltrated and has poisoned the minds of so many Americans.

Dual citizenship being allowed for members in public office and of organizations that sway influence/opinion is the DUMBEST fucking thing ever allowed in our nation.

The only way out of this now is plan 'Z'.

Q is being naive. Less than 10 can confirm Q yet they claim to be fixing this mess that has been hundreds, if not thousands, of years in the making?

You're all fooling yourselves.

Just look at how many KNOWN traitors are currently employed by the US Government, serving the people by day, raping, torturing, killing liddle babies and sipping wine by night.

>There will come a time when walking down the street is not safe for them

^^^^So was that a call to arms, Q?

Millions of armed Patriots would put the fear of these people's fake god in their eyes & black hearts.

Maybe that is actually why you are [here].

To keep telling us things are being done, when clearly we can see they're not, only to light the fire under /OUR/ asses so we actually do something about it.

The Country was saved by only 3% of the population once and it can be done again.

Tick tock for you, Q.

Anonymous ID: 2ac8ce Feb. 14, 2019, 3:26 p.m. No.5176255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6270


Lucky for you that you're not on /pol/ or you'd have been doxed on your first post, kike-first/isreal-first piece of shit.

You are FAR from American and can KYS any time.