Anonymous ID: 608884 Feb. 14, 2019, 2:58 p.m. No.5175780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5790

Are cancer cures being suppressed to control population?


Revelations by the late Dr. Richard L. Day in 1969 may have been shocking at the time, but not so much now as they have started coming true.


Dr. Day was an eminent physician, a professor of pediatrics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan and Medical Director of the ‘Planned Parenthood’ organization.


He was also described as an ‘insider of the Order’ referring to the ‘Order of the Barbarians’ (as those involved in an elite group committed to the ‘New World Order’ were known as at the time), which are now referred to as the globalist elite.


During a closed lecture to other doctors in 1969, Dr. Day said the cure for cancer was on file at the Rockefeller Institute.


His audience was shocked when he told them: “We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it’s ever decided that it should be released.”


The Dr. Richard Day Blog reports:


Dr. Dunegan recalls what Dr. Day said very clearly because he found it unbelievable (as did the other attendees) that an institute who could effectively treat one of the most destructive diseases known to humanity would withhold that knowledge.


Dr. Day continued “But consider – if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else.”


He then went on to explain that treatment would be geared more towards easing some of the symptoms and making the sufferer comfortable rather than a cure.


Although the Rockefeller Institute has taken precautions to hide the information within the institute, Dr. Day said that one day it may come to light if independent researchers get close to developing the same technology and cure. But for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.


As with the attendees at the meeting, any normal thinking person may disbelieve that an organization which purports to research cures and new medical treatments would withhold this vital information. But as we have seen many times before, where there is power and money anything can happen, especially when the supporters of eugenics are involved.


So let’s take a look at the Rockefeller Institute.


The Rockefeller Institute (for Medical Research) changed its name to The Rockefeller University in 1965.


The institute was founded in 1901 by John D. Rockefeller, an American business magnate who was one of six children born to con artist/traveling salesman, William Avery “Bill” Rockefeller, and housewife Eliza Davison in Richford, New York in 1839.


Rockefeller made his fortune in the oil and petroleum industries through Standard Oil, eventually developing them to hold significant shares of the petroleum and oil markets in the U.S. until antitrust laws curtained their significant holdings.


At the time of his death in 1937 Rockefeller’s wealth made him the wealthiest person in recent history, far surpassing the fortune of Bill Gates.


The institute was the first biomedical institute in the United States and initially concentrated on biomedical engineering. It became the first institute for clinical research in the U.S. when it opened The Rockefeller Hospital on the campus in 1910.



Anonymous ID: 608884 Feb. 14, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.5175790   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The drug, which could come in tablet form, only becomes toxic when it comes into contact with an enzyme found in cancer cells.


In laboratory tests, the drug destroyed 95% of cancer cells with the enzyme, including those of breast, colon, stomach, and brain cancer. Tumors resistant to other forms of treatment were also destroyed.


Potter predicted that it could take as long as a decade before the drug became available on the market because of the testing process for new drugs. In addition to clinical trials lasting many years, investors are sought so that the trials and further research can continue.


The results of these trials may also result in the drug being approved for some areas of treatment and not others.


Even when clinical trials are completed, it can take considerable time before a drug becomes available to those who would benefit from it, with cost to health authorities being the main deciding factor. Commercialization takes over.


The overly bureaucratic and dogmatic systems effectively inhibit effective treatments coming to market as each minor technicality is scrutinized by hordes of scientists and accountants.


This can place a potentially valuable treatment in limbo for many years.


As of today, access to effective cancer treatment is not available to every person who would potentially benefit from it, even though Potter’s discovery (which is one of many beneficial discoveries in the field of cancer research) was made in 2001.


The treatment of cancer is still based in very barbaric and ineffective treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy, with a survival rate at best of 50% of cancer sufferers. Chopping people up and blasting them with highly damaging and toxic chemicals is still considered to be acceptable when other less destructive methods could be available right now.


Taking the overall picture into account, it is highly likely that effective cancer treatments have been suppressed in the past. The reasons could be as simple as the lack of the scientific community of the period failing to take notice of new discoveries outside of their narrow perspectives, or the lack of financial interest in development. Rockefeller may be no different from many other organizations in this respect. Profit before doing what is best for the majority of the population.


Or maybe the lack of interest in curing the disease is part of a wider agenda to keep the earth’s population under control. To repeat what Dr. Day said, “But consider – if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else.”



Anonymous ID: 608884 Feb. 14, 2019, 3:03 p.m. No.5175859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5912

Top NASA Global Warming Scientist WALKS BACK Global Warming Claims! “I’m Not Sure that Climate Change Is An Immediate Threat To Human Existence”


Did one of NASA’s top climate scientists just walk back global warming hysteria? Sure sounds like it!


NASA climatologist, Dr. Kate Marvel, dropped this little bomb while making an appearance on Alec Baldwin’s podcast.


The No Agenda Show has the clip which you can listen to here. (transcribed below)


MARVEL: I mean like the Earth’s a rock right? It’s it’s a really special rock but the earth doesn’t care about climate change. It’s still going to be here. And I actually I’m not sure that climate change is an immediate threat to human existence, but I know that it is an immediate threat to human happiness & human civilization and so a lot of times…


BALDWIN: It’s an immediate threat to the way we live now


MARVEL: For sure. 100%. And a lot of humans gonna be extinct are we doomed? And I kind of feel likeI mean we’re probably not doomedbut like I have higher standards you know what I mean? Like if that’s the best thing you can say after a day you’re like I I didn’t go extinct today then it wasn’t a good day.


“I’m not sure that climate change is an immediate threat to human existence??”


“I mean we’re probably not doomed???”


Is this a joke???


Doesn’t this NASA scientist know that we’re all going to die in 12 years??? Doesn’t she know the science is settled and there’s no more room for debate? How many people’s careers have been ruined by people like her for saying exactly what she just said? Will she be labelled a denier now?

Anonymous ID: 608884 Feb. 14, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.5175959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5985 >>6000

Russia Spotted 19 Foreign Spy Jets Near Border Over Past Week


Nineteen foreign spy aircraft had been detected while carrying out reconnaissance activities near the Russian border, the weekly infographic published by the Russian Armed Forces' official newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda showed on Friday.


According to the material, Russian jets have been scrambled four times in order to prevent the foreign aircraft from illegally crossing into the Russian airspace.


The had been no trespasses, the data showed.


This is not the first time Russian military spots foreign spy jets, carrying out reconnaissance activities near the Russian border.


Previously, Krasnaya Zvezda published an infographic showing that 24 foreign reconnaissance aircraft have been spotted on 8 February.