We shouldn't be funding anyone with our debt levels!
Any sources on that? how is it fake? I know what a jubilee is, just not sure that would happen…
Would that be after the fed is destroyed?
IP SMYIP! They can probably see his ugly face through his webcam
Not worth stopping. But your cat is cute
Yeah isnt he a wilcock follower? Instant turn off… Ive watched wilcock for entertainment only… not credible
How are they fucking with you?
Is there some hidden message? Steganography?
555 timer in electronics is also a very important component!
I'm pretty sure thats how its supposed to work… It analyizes things you've said in the past…
Heres a fun game, start typing a sentence and then finish it by using the center autocomplete…
My friend did one that started like "9/11 was…" and he got some string about apple and the government being involved in 911. hilarious
Nice thinking! Could be on to something