Anonymous ID: f84eb9 Feb. 14, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.5178452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q we know there are a lot of unsavory bombshells in this bill - we know because the democrats are involved. What is this about legislatures haven't been given time to properly read the bill. This stinks to high heaven.

According to FAIR:

"If this bill is enacted, expect the largest surge of unaccompanied minors this country has ever seen. If this bill is passed by Congress, President Trump must veto it."–Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)


The congressional funding bill to keep the federal government operating beyond February 15 includes a classic diversionary tactic. While the House and Senate conferees have everyone focused on the $1.375 billion allocated for construction of a portion of the border wall (sold as a huge concession by the Democrats), the bill contains a perpetual illegal alien amnesty.


Section 224(a) of the bill states that "None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act…may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child…"


In simple English, every new unaccompanied minor who arrives at our border will trigger an amnesty for multiple adult illegal aliens who are already in the country. The illegal aliens who will be eligible for protection from removal include not just actual sponsors, but those who might be potential sponsors and every member of their households.


If this bill is enacted, expect the largest surge of unaccompanied minors this country has ever seen. If this bill is passed by Congress, President Trump must veto it. Simply put, in exchange for a mere one-third of his already pared down border wall funding request, this bill will trigger unprecedented border chaos and amnesty for untold numbers of illegal aliens.


According to ALIPAC: activists are calling on President Trump and Congress to allow a partial government shutdown this weekend or pass a short term continuing resolution to allow the American media, public, and members of Congress to read and react to the secret budget deal bill before any votes are cast in order to prevent a national tragedy.


ALIPAC contends that it is a complete betrayal of the American public for Congress to conduct business in secret, then try to force a vote on bills unread by lawmakers, journalists, and activists alike on a national holiday like Valentine's Day 2019.


Only DC elites and insiders are privy to what is currently in the more than 1,000 pages of the secret budget compromise bill expected to be filed today and voted on shortly after filing. Passing major contested policy legislation in this way could lead to further dramatic destabilization and turmoil in America.


"It is outrageous and completely unacceptable for any member of Congress to vote on, or for the President to sign, any bill crafted in secret and unread by most lawmakers and laymen alike," declared William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "We know Congressional elites and DC insiders, like Trump's surrogate Jared Kushner, are using this despicable tactic to pass unpopular measures like Amnesty protections for DACA Dreamer illegal aliens without the public's foreknowledge. This Obamacare style tactic violates the consent of the governed. That is why we are calling on all Americans to call Congress and the White House to demand a government shutdown or continuing resolution until the budget compromise bill has been widely distributed, read, understood, and reacted to."


ALIPAC activists are now calling Trump's White House (202-456-1414) and Congressional Democrats and Republicans alike to demand they pass a short term continuing resolution to keep the government open, or that the government be allowed to shut down over the weekend to allow American citizens the time needed to read and react to the bill.


ALIPAC has been tracking Jared Kushner's and President Trump's offers to Democrats to trade a form of Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens in exchange for token fence repair funds at


If this bill has all this crap in it just so POTUS can get a token billion for the wall then all we've been given has been empty promises. I'm finding it very hard to trust the plan in this situation.