Anons, last night think the location of the new Q photos was established to be in Chongqing, in vicinity of Hyatt Regency Hotel (eyeline view). To reinforce here is a set of photos from windows inside upper floor rooms of that hotel; compared with night shot of the scene on the street.
Anons, have we plotted the location on a street map yet? See pic. Haven't been able to find the "crime scene" in street nor in sat views. Want to plot 1) location of cameras and 2) location of images.
Think we identified the big neon sign with clock. Maoye mall. But have not yet found it on a street map. Got various views, on sidewalk nearby for example, or a few blocks away for another example, but still haven't zeroed it in.
As a reference, see the sun-styled plaza also in vicinity of the Hotel.,106.535218,3a,75y/data=!3m11!1e2!3m9!1sAF1QipN7jAwnFaEWMXwTmnehXfvYJyaf8sjalmeM4avL!2e10!3e12!!7i5344!8i2448!9m2!1b1!2i43!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x6c479d339965873d!8m2!3d29.580359!4d106.5352179