I get the feelings we're going actually start hearing the words "Treason" and "Sedition" from the white hats! Agree? For me…LONG overdue! Nevertheless, I'm not running the operation…so there's that!
>>5178859 Are we settled on who this is?
Kek! Yeah!
I think we've lost 20-30% of our population! They have disavowed critical thinking and are fully possessed by the spirit of leftist ideology…which is to say, (at this point) I'm pretty sure we're going to end up hot in the streets! These wack jobs aren't going away, unless they are removed!
>>5178968 Yeah…that's what I'm seeing! I'm having a hard time visualizing how they end up calming down and reintegrating back into society as constructive citizens!
Yeah! I still ponder over the possibility that we're being driven into civil war…and that this is the real plan!
No, not at all! I'm a non-religious Bible believer, thus I try to measure and file "inline" with Biblical prophecy! The simple fact (yes I can rightly use that word) is that our world IS going to fall under a one world gov't…for 7 years…after that, the "saved" get to watch the blood of the wicked flow "to the horses bridle"! As for where we're at now…it's a strong possibility we've been given "more time"! Either way…it looks like we ARE about to find out!