Anonymous ID: ed472a Feb. 14, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.5179273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Jew Question commentary has become overwhelming.

'The lady doeth protest too much'

Eisenhower, JFK, Trump; why didn't they warn us about the Jewish race? They warned us about the M_C.

They are the opposition to freedom. War is their business model. Nothing else comes close to that.

Is the M_C behind the Jew hatred? They're behind the C_A arming low IQ jihadis which foments hatred of Muslims, which arms Americans to fight, which instigates them to violence ad-nauseam.

Weapons sales is the biggest business on earth by a factor of 10.

Muh joo is a slide perpetrated by the M_C is my guess.

The real enemy would do anything to keep their stock value high. Eisenhower thought so, that's who he warned us about anyway.