Anonymous ID: 4907bf Feb. 28, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.518251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8263 >>8403



My initial instinct with P was Pindar (if that 'title' is indeed a real thing). For all we know, the entire Reptilian saga is a Soros creation for control over 'the controllers', but worth considering.


Pindar via David Icke's interview with Arizona Wilder: "Wilder also mentioned the present head of the Illuminati is not a Rothschild. It is actually a Reptilian-human hybrid known as Pindar, or the Marquis de Libeaux. According to Wilder, Pindar while in his Reptilian form is so terrifying that even the Queen Mum (another shape-shifter according to Wilder) quailed before him. His name means 'Penis of the Dragon', and his personal totem is a golden phallus. Pindar has impregnated many Aryan women as possible to perpetuate his bloodline. He is the real father of Prince Charles, and perhaps William as well."


Also, in a proof, it is interesting to note the phrasing used: assume P is true, use P to show Q must be true (correct).