House has enough votes for Funding Bill - even though voting is not over
per Fox News just now.
House has enough votes for Funding Bill - even though voting is not over
per Fox News just now.
Feb 14th First interview since being fired.
I wish I could have a $1 for every time Hannity says "Hillary bought and paid for dossier"
But, he's been saying it for almost 2 years every night - I want retroactive pay.
You need 2/3 vote in both House ad Senate to override his veto.
Q is saying don't be a naive, brainless person with lots of followers doing an interview, because MSM (WaPo) will try and take you all down by making fools of you.
He may have good intentions but he is young and naive. We told him NOT to go represent all anons last time he did this (Comedy Central), but he didn't listen to us. They made a fool of him and Q.