Excuse me, everyone
taps on glass
Everyone, excuse me, I have something important to say
keeps tapping on wine glass while standing up
I have a big announcement to make everyone
audience starts going silent and turning towards the well dressed Pepe holding his glass of red wine
Thank you for your attention everyone, what I have to say is really important, and too important to remain unsaid
audience is now completely silent in expectation
What I have to say is
Pepe looks around the room with his confident smug smile
Fuck muslims
crowd erupts in enthusiastic cheering and clapping
And that is not all everyone!
the crowd calms down and among wide smiles starts refocusing on Pepe's words again
Fuck jews too!
The crowd goes insane, fire works start exploding into a million colors outside, everyone starts chanting "Pepe for President", a marching band appears entering the wide doors of the ballroom and starts playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" , women start throwing their panties at Pepe, children make a line asking for Pepe's autograph