Anonymous ID: 7c8ba6 Feb. 14, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.5180240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SAN FRANCISCO — Google plans to invest more than $13 billion this year on new and expanded data centers and offices across the U.S.

CEO Sundar Pichai announced the news in a blog post Wednesday , emphasizing the company’s growth outside its Mountain View, California, home and across the Midwest and South.

“2019 marks the second year in a row we’ll be growing faster outside of the (San Francisco) Bay Area than in it,” he wrote.

Google will build new data centers in Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia. Pichai estimated the construction of the new centers will employ 10,000 workers.

Anonymous ID: 7c8ba6 Feb. 14, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.5180494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So where is QAnon going? Is it reaching a crescendo of violence, or fizzling out like so many conspiracy theories and scams before it? It’s difficult to tell, because every time Q vanishes, he seems to return. But there are several troubling developments that demonstrate that while the mass arrests aren’t coming, the movement’s believers haven’t gotten that message.

QAnon believers are turning violent

QAnon social media has always been full of demands that deep staters be hanged, put in front of firing squads, etc. But since Q has mostly gone silent, there’s been a noticeable uptick in QAnon acolytes either advocating for perceived enemies to be eliminated, or threatening to do it themselves.

Anonymous ID: 7c8ba6 Feb. 14, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.5180688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806 >>0880

The story from Olive Tree has taken hold among followers of the convoluted QAnon conspiracy theory. They believe that a person ("Q") with high national security clearance is using a message board frequented by internet trolls to reveal details of a non-existent massive conspiracy involving the deep state, Clintons, and other figures engaged in supposed pedophilia and mass corruption.

Travis View, a QAnon researcher and co-host of the QAnon Anonymous podcast, told BuzzFeed News that "the Vatican and Catholic Church are certainly part of the QAnon conspiracy theory."

"Q has occasionally pointed to the Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandals, which plays into the theory that the 'Cabal' is running a secret, worldwide human trafficking and pedophile ring," he said.