Anonymous ID: 6af7f8 Feb. 14, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.5183498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3544 >>3911


I'd like to see them publicly roasted.

Literally and figuratively. If for no other reason that to make an example to everyone that we should not blindly follow anyone or anything.

Question it all.


However, I know that publicly ending their lives would not sit well with the general public, here or abroad.

Damn optics and perceptions.

I would be supremely happy to see them tried for their crimes, and hammered with proof after proof, with all the vile details, for the entire world to see,

The ONLY thing allowed to be televised/streamed/broadcast/whatever is their trial each day.

At that point, the public would be ready to see them removed from this existence.


I can only hope.

Hope that something as major as this WILL happen and that everyone realises that we can never allow so few to control so much.