I actually like the tension. it's starting to pop now
the disrespect never ends. Fuck- the vets have to buy their own goddam prosthetics, are you kidding me. it makes me want to wretch
I saw the picture of potus when he won, he knew what he had ahead of him. he knew this shit was going to go down- attacks from all sides.
god bless POTUS and all the white hats
These people are stupid. I swear I was filtered out of the public school system because I was too smart. borderline retarded stuff here, please make me feel better and tell us anons that they were heavy into whippets while this was ongoing.
have faith in the plan, have faith in your fellow man. shit is fucked and it will take time to unfuck.
one thing at a time, I hear you- it is a thing dear to my heart and I hope we can make a difference