With all the nations from across the pond [Russia China] sending tanks and troops to Mexico, Im SURE there is more to securing our southern border than just drugs and child sex slave trade, although that ALONE is a good enough reason! GET SOME Q! GIVE NO QUARTER!
Q, will you be my Wallintine?
[2] accounted for?
Those would be RR and AM. So lets FiQure out who the other 5 are of the 7
Those would be the logical guesses for me
Is that why Q+ sent a Regiment of Military Police to the Southern Border? To prevent traitors from LEAVING the USA, escaping into Mexico, who would give them all free passports [most likely prepaid for] to head to Venezuela [which is why the Dems are butt hurt about Q+ not supporting M'dick-tator] and escape like Hitler did with his top SS serial killers? I bet the Vatican is supporting these traitors just like they did Hitler and the SS too!
We are here to Serve, Protect, and Assist our Fellow Americans, and the Constitution of the USA! "SEND ME!" HOOAH! Its an honor sir o7