Not long after the board was shut, every FOX News Live Stream was cut. The only one remaining was FOX 10 Phoenix – which has a YT & FB account, does a lot of fluff and does reruns of “ the narrative.” In addition to that, the following YT channels are dead: Richie From Boston, Bombards Body Language, Corsi, Richie Allen, David Seaman, Anti-School – with Mark Dice, Alex Jones, High Impact Flix, DeFango, Jason Goodman and others under attack with just one community guideline strike away from bye bye.
This is a coordinated attack – they’re scared shitless and in fear of something big coming. But their actions are Red Flagging anyone with a brain.
Got no clue on what’s going to happen next – but expect shut down after shut down. Maybe it’s time to get a HAM Radio – it’s war folks.