Why do we need a recap of that extraordinary pile of shit?
Freddy's meltdown has been going on for at least the last six months. We do not need a recap.
Am I to assume that the second CTA posts, you will give us his catalog as well?
The bill gives POTUS clearance to start the wall. That's something (before the lawsuits) we know 300k+ illegals voted in TX, if the numbers in CA exceed that? Would the balance of power turn? (Hint, Yes and every vote the illegal house took would be null and void)
"Because R is a fuking pedo" for 200 Alex
Many bigger fishies to fry. R is insignificant.
wasn't POTUS supposed to sign the big fat turd (Aka, the finical thing) into law at 7est?? It's now 9ishโฆ
Is there a chance that he tells the RINOS to go fuck themselves??? Please?????
"There are none so blind"