IPOT Sir Pat Daddy Mackavellie….
Damn dependable. Consistent.
As reliable as the sunrise.
Holy Trinity
IPOT Sir Pat Daddy Mackavellie….
Damn dependable. Consistent.
As reliable as the sunrise.
Holy Trinity
James Munder is pretty awesome so far. New Sub here…
He is oh so sly….more than meets the eyes…
Patriot, I too am having difficulty with this drop.
I have noticed that some of the people I listen to have recently started to ever so slyly inject disinformation into certain topics.
If a newly woken patriot was to listen they would be led astray…..
It’s so hard to determine who is friend and who is foe….
Perhaps Q is saying that those with a lot of subscribers are being targeted for removal?
That would make more since.
AS in Y&ouT)Ube will target those with the most subscribers first.
Yes the “paytriots” really get on my nerves but heck if we want an alternative to our media… someone has to pay these folks so they can carry on.
I don’t have a problem with asking for donations or having a pay site. I pay for several now.
I do have issues with our content providers backing that VPN software…. I guarantee you every intelligence agency has a back door. But my issue is not significant enough to stop listening to them. It’s just annoying to me personally.
Did you see Fox News ratings take a plunge lately? They did. It’s probably because conservatives are tuning in to the truth these days online. IMO
Remember when Hannity gave that monologue about how the sons are now running the show and how everything has changed. It was a word of caution to us.
Patriot I do believe you are correct.
North Korea peace deal certainly hasn’t received enough news coverage.
Two years ago I would have scoffed at the notion of our own C_A starting a war…..
Some are stil asleep patriot.
Gods speed. Holy Trinity