False flags fren.
The more they squirm, the more backlash they will eat.
If a habbening habbens and no one in the general public knows, did the habbening habben?
There is no such thing as a White genocide in South Africa goyim.
Pls donate to the nearest holohoax museum ASAP.
Also, checking those Hulk Hogan digits.
From the article:
>When is enough enough? When will the Trump haters take no for an answer?
Perhaps when you slap them with something shocking enough that they can't deny?
The fact that some 20% of democrats (voters) now distrust MSM means things are going in the right direction.
I am le comfy.
A big chunck of it is still zionist neocon bullshit, so bash it where it deserves bashing, praise it where it deserves praise.
Soros saying the EU is about to go down the toilet, that bozo telegraphs huge despair.
Ahhhh, feelsgreatman.jpgay