Anonymous ID: 540ef3 Feb. 15, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.5188268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8293 >>8535



It is not uncommon in NYC to run into genuine, card-carrying communists. I'm not talking about the Zuccottii Park Kids, or people wearing Antifa kits. I'm talking about every day people in the workplace.


"Card-carrying" is obviously a figure of speech, meaning, "true beleivers, active members and supporters." People nearer to the inside than most.


I believe I know several, and they have all frozen me out hard. These people are circling the wagons. This is real. A couple are well regarded musicians; another is my boss, who has recently become openly and irrationally hostile towards me at work.


All to say that this is real; it's age-old, it's been an active battle in the US since the Bolshevik Revolution.


It is real.

