For those people who did not experience the internet in its first stages, there is a story that gives a picture of what it was like "in the wild wild west" of those days.
Pornographic emails were rampant. Popup porn ads were rampant. Everywhere you went and everything you did β involved the dodging of pornographic ads. It was a big problem for many people and no one was stopping it.
People thought that they could "opt out" like you do with phone calls at dinner time. They would respond by sending a mean letter demanding that the ads and emails stop. And that, dear anons, is the lesson for today.
Those ads and emails were being sent by college kids who had no real interest in pornography. Their involvement was not out of some idealistic viewpoint. They were doing it FOR THE MONEY.
If someone is doing something β such as trying to convert someone to a church or to join a weight loss club β then it makes sense to have a conversation telling them that you are not interested and will never be interested. BUT when someone is doing something FOR THE MONEY β there is no argument. There is no reasoning. There is only the fact that THEY GET PAID FOR PROMOTING SOMETHING.
And so we see β this seems to be the problem with our politicians.
We write letters to them. We plead with them. We inform them. We draw up petitions and have thousands sign it. But β it has no effect whatsoever. They go right on their merry way.
Why? because they've got a seat on the "gravy train." They are set for life. They've got instant power to swing their asses right in our faces and follow their own agenda β because they've got money from special interests and corporation. All they really have to do is VOTE YES on a piece of legislation when it comes up. Then they can go back to their own private party.
It isn't about Political Party β or some "ideal" β it is all about MONEY.