Specifically IG
Because they don't want you to understand it.
I was just pointing out why they do it. I haven't read the whole document there, but the specific page linked though is about how much funding the department receives, and then goes on to list how much of that money is authorized to be used for specific activities. Using that posted page as an example:
Funding is for ICE's 'necessary expenses' such as operations and the required support for those operations, including paying for the vehicles used (bought or leased), units based in overseas (non-US) locations, and for maintaining and paying for the buildings the department uses.
$7.542B in total funding
$6M of that money is dedicated to enforcing laws against child-labor
$75.4M is set aside until 30 Sep 2020, no stated purpose but presumably an emergency or backup fund in case allocated money becomes tight
$1.5M to pay the folks participating in Human Exploitation Rescue Operative Child-Rescue Corps
$15M to pay for investigating intellectual property violations
$4.273B for what seem to be standard operations (law enforcement, detainment, removal ops, transporting unaccompanied minors, with some further restrictions on how THAT chunk of the money can be used.
It's laying out how much money the department gets and for what specific purposes how much of that money is to be used for. These are the legal amounts of money that the department can use for each stated purpose.