A few days ago I made a note to self to remind me to post about the strange Lynch law talk recently. These scumbag progressives progress step by step to their goals thru the courts. So I was wondering if this strange Lynch law talk was a way for them to get a foothold in the system to stop us from hanging treasonous bigwigs (the obama)(killery)(etc).
Also I posted here from this phone/IP a couple days ago with first sentence beginning something like "I smell a trap Anon here". It was a post in wrote about maybe the left is trying to trick us about old lady Ginsburg so they can bring her out soon and call us conspiracy nuts for implying that she expired.
Now I read the old man's drops from this morning and he/she mentioned both of those things.
Sometimes I go thru streaks of bigly intuition and premonitions.
Now I am racking my brain because I feel like there was something else pertinent I posted in the last few days but I can't remember what it was.
Is there a way I can search to find out what I posted from this particular devise the last few days?