Thank you, ma'am, for making the case that an "emergency" is "not normal".
Massive non-organic shilling against POTUS signing the bill.
Starting to love the bill.
Cabal is using the Jussie "lynching" to pass an "anti-lynching" law, designating it as a hate crime. Pretty sure when people get lynched, it's by people who hate them. So, again, useless "hate crime" legislation based on a fraudulent "attack".
How are merc traitors any better than idealogue traitors, again?
Stopped at "Q is"
So, the Turtle quietly changed what the House thought the bill was, tricking them into passing it?
When did Mitch get this good at politics???
Seems like No Name's health also publicly declined, there, in the last few months of his miserable traitorous life.
So much for the progressive kuru made her look nuts theory
Guessing you don't hang out much in downtown LA
Here she is at the theater! no pic
Here she is at work! behind closed doors
Great evidence.
That's the kind of bullshit arrest the Left wears as a badge of honor.
Looking at him, at least it was not consummated.
Masters and pets start to look alike; they have the same master.
Pretty sure the people who lynched them, hated them. So, no real need for separate "hate crime" legislation, as murder is already illegal. Also, hate crimes apply to all groups, but are selectively enforced. So your problem is with the unequal enforcement of existing laws. Pretty sure POTUS is changing that.
satanic gibberish
No Name did not die of cancer tho
You're asking if the man who saved Obamacare is trying to fuck us?