Anonymous ID: a887cb Feb. 15, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.5194239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4272 >>4308 >>4314 >>4336 >>4344 >>4409 >>4594

White House Confirms Donald Trump Has Signed Government Funding Bill


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed Friday that the president has signed the bipartisan government funding bill.


“No one claims the bill is perfect — far from it,” Sanders told reporters at the White House on Friday. She called the bill a “step in the right direction.”


The news of the bill signing was confirmed in an official statement to reporters, as the event was closed to the press.


Trump’s signature of the legislation ends the 55-day fight over border wall funding and the ongoing threat of a government shutdown.


The so-called “compromise” bill included several provisions limiting the president’s actions on border security and wall construction as well as limiting law enforcement detentions of illegal immigrants.


Supporters of the president protested the bill drafted by a bipartisan Congressional committee during the three-week shutdown reprieve.


The president was frustrated by the ultimate bill passed by Congress but agreed to sign it while declaring a national emergency to help build the wall on the border.


The bill passed both houses of Congress on Thursday with veto-proof majorities.

Anonymous ID: a887cb Feb. 15, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.5194303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4315 >>4319 >>4345 >>4348 >>4359 >>4406 >>4414 >>4446

Ann Coulter: ‘The Only National Emergency Is That Our President Is an Idiot’


Friday on KABC radio in Los Angeles, conservative commentator Ann Coulter reacted to President Donald Trump saying she was “off the reservation,” during his press conference this morning.


Explaining that building the border wall was Trump’s mandate, Coulter said, “It was one thing, the promise he made every single day at every single speech.”


She added, “So forget the fact that he’s digging his own grave. This is just — look the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.”


Coulter did praise the president regarding the courts by saying, “In defense of Trump supporters and those who fell for his BS, Trump has been perfectly competent on a much more complicated subject: the judiciary.”

Anonymous ID: a887cb Feb. 15, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.5194373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4421 >>4497 >>4560

Graham: The US is looking for allies to replace it in Syria



MUNICH — With the U.S. due to announce the Islamic State group is destroyed and its troops withdrawing from Syria, it is looking for allies to step in and help stabilize the region, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday.


Speaking at the 2019 Munich Security Conference, Graham told the assembly of world leaders that the U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, “would be coming to some of you in this room, and he will be asking for a contribution of forces to stabilize the region, post destruction of the caliphate.”


Graham called for a lean, joint military presence to enforce a safe zone that would protect American-backed Kurdish forces in Syria from Turkey, watch for the reemergence of ISIS and buy time for a Syria peace process in Geneva.


He echoed President Donald Trump’s recent announcements that ISIS — through the work of a multinational coalition — is all but defeated. The militant group holds only “a couple of kilometers and one town,” Graham said.


During a White House event earlier in the day, Trump said: “We have a lot of great announcements having to do with Syria and our success with the eradication of the caliphate, and that will be announced over the next 24 hours."


Ahead of that announcement, Graham said in Munich: “The Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is dead. It has been destroyed.” He congratulated Trump for “pouring on the gas in the last month or so. To every nation who’s contributed to this effort, God bless you.”


It’s unclear whether Graham was speaking for him or not about follow-on forces. The South Carolina Republican and Senate Foreign Relations Committee member is a confidant of Trump and an influential voice on U.S. foreign policy.


“I am hoping that President Trump will be coming to you and you will say, ‘yes,’ and in return the capability we have that’s unique to the United States will still be in the fight,” he said.

Anonymous ID: a887cb Feb. 15, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.5194417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4477

A (Not Quite) Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming


Acne , Longer plane flights , agricultural land increase , Afghan poppies destroyed , Africa devastated , Africa in conflict , African aid threatened , African summer frost , aggressive weeds , More Toxic Poison Ivy , air pressure changes , airport malaria , Agulhas current , Alaska reshaped , moves , allergy season longer , alligators in the Thames , Alps melting , Amazon a desert , American dream end , amphibians breeding earlier (or not) , anaphylactic reactions to bee stings , ancient forests dramatically changed , animals head for the hills , animals shrink , Antarctic grass flourishes , Antarctic ice grows , Antarctic ice shrinks , Antarctic sea life at risk , anxiety treatment , algal blooms , archaeological sites threatened , Arab Spring , Arctic bogs melt , Arctic in bloom , Arctic ice free , Arctic ice melt faster , Arctic lakes disappear , Arctic tundra to burn , Arctic warming (not) , Atlantic less salty , Atlantic more salty , atmospheric circulation modified , attack of the killer jellyfish , avalanches reduced , avalanches increased , Baghdad snow , Bahrain under water , bananas grow , barbarisation , beer shortage , beetle infestation , bet for $10,000 , better beer , big melt faster , billion dollar research projects , billion homeless , billions face risk , billions of deaths , bird distributions change , bird loss accelerating , birds shrinking , bird strikes , bird visitors drop , birds confused , birds decline (Wales) , birds driven north , birds return early , bittern boom ends , blackbirds stop singing , blackbirds threatened , Black Hawk down , blood contaminated , blue mussels return , bluetongue , brain eating amoebae , brains shrink , bridge collapse (Minneapolis) , Britain one big city , Smaller loaves of Bread , Britain Siberian , brothels struggle , brown Ireland , bubonic plague , budget increases , Buddhist temple threatened , building collapse , building season extension , bushfires , business risks , butterflies move north , camel deaths , cancer deaths in England , cannibalism , cannibalism again , caterpillar biomass shift , cave paintings threatened , childhood insomnia , Cholera , circumcision in decline , cirrus disappearance , civil unrest , cloud increase , coast beauty spots lost , cockroach migration , coffee threatened , cold climate creatures survive , cold spells (Australia) , cold wave (India) , computer models , conferences , conflict , conflict with Russia , consumers foot the bill , coral bleaching , coral fish suffer , coral reefs dying , coral reefs grow , coral reefs shrink , coral reefs twilight , Cabbage Shortage , cost of trillions , cougar attacks , crabgrass menace , cradle of civilisation threatened , creatures move uphill , crime increase , crocodile sex , crops devastated , crumbling roads, buildings and sewage systems , curriculum change , cyclones (Australia) , danger to kid's health , Darfur , Dartford Warbler plague , death rate increase (US) , deaths to reach 6 million , Dengue hemorrhagic fever , depression , depressed PETS! , desert advance , desert retreat , destruction of the environment , disappearance of coastal cities , disasters , diseases move from animals to humans , diseases move north , dog disease , Dolomites collapse , dozen deadly diseases , Drop in birth rates , drought , ducks and geese decline , dust bowl in the corn belt , early marriages , early spring , earlier pollen season , Earth biodiversity crisis , Earth dying , Earth even hotter , Earth light dimming , Earth lopsided , Earth melting , Earth morbid fever , Earth on fast track , Earth past point of no return , Earth slowing down , Earth slowing down 2 , Earth spins faster , Earth spins faster 2 , Earth to explode , Earth's poles shift , earth upside down , earthquakes , Specifically the 2015 Nepal earthquake , earthquakes redux , earthquakes redux 2 , Egypt revolt , El Niño intensification , end of the world as we know it , erosion , emerging infections , encephalitis , English villages lost , equality threatened , Europe simultaneously baking and freezing , eutrophication , evolution accelerating , expansion of university climate groups ,




human , civilisation , logic , Colony Collapse Disorder (Bees dying) , Inuit , smallest butterfly , cod , ladybirds , pikas , polar bears , make polar bears eat their cubs , possums , walrus , toads , plants , salmon , trout , wild flowers , woodlice , a million species , half of all animal and plant species , mountain species , not polar bears , barrier reef , leaches , salamanders , tropical insects)

Anonymous ID: a887cb Feb. 15, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.5194474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4498 >>4560

Is It all About Oil? Politician Expects US to Interfere in Libyan Elections


While the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) are trying to maintain control over the country's largest oil field, there are signs emerging that the US, which is eying developments on the ground, may try to meddle in the 2019 Libyan elections, High Council of State member Adel Karamaus told Sputnik.


Commenting on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's words about the potential flow of jihadists fleeing Syria for Libya, High Council of State member Adel Karamaus opined that this remark should be taken as an important warning.


"We expect a new wave of interference in the election process; perhaps this will be done only at the political level, but military action can't be ruled out," Karamaus told Sputnik Arabic.


Libyan presidential and legislative elections may take place in October 2019, according to a recent communique released by the African Union (AU).


Speaking to Fox Business' Trish Regan on 6 February, Secretary Pompeo asserted that Daesh (ISIS/ISIL)* is likely to try to establish itself in Libya.


"They'll certainly try and set up, whether that's in Africa or in Libya in the north", the secretary of state opined. "We find this threat from radical Islamist terrorism on most continents today. Our task is to deny them real estate, keep pressure on them, diminish their financial capacity, all the things that reduce risk for Americans".


He further pointed out that "the forces of the African Command of the US Armed Forces (AFRICOM, AFRICOM) are operating in airspace in southern Libya". The politician presumed that they might beef up their presence there.


For his part, Ibrahim al-Gweil, a lawyer and former advisor to Muammar Gaddafi, told Sputnik that "AFRICOM manoeuvres and actions in the south of Libya have one goal — American control over Libya."


"Since the times of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser (1956-1970), Americans have sought to boost their positions in Libya and prevent the strengthening of cooperation between Egypt, Libya and Sudan", he added.


Election Contenders Fighting for Sharara Oil Field


Washington's pivot to southern Libya, mentioned by al-Gweil, is by no means surprising given the region's vast oil reserves.


El Sharara, Libya's biggest oilfield, is located in the south. It has become the focus of attention as the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and the UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) have both claimed maintain control over the field.


Commenting on the developments on the ground, Jalel Harchaoui, a Libya expert who lectures in geopolitics at the University of Versailles, told Sputnik that "the LNA is likely to make aggressive attempts in Sharara — and in the Fezzan in general, because in terms of image and politics, the appearance of a successful campaign would bolster Haftar in a major way on a national level.

Anonymous ID: a887cb Feb. 15, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.5194498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4560


US warns the world against buying Venezuelan oil


US National Security Advisor John Bolton has warned countries and companies against buying crude oil from Venezuela, after the Latin American country said it wants to sell more oil to the fast-growing Indian market.


In a tweet with a Bloomberg article on Venezuelan-Indian oil relations attached, Bolton wrote: “Nations and firms that support Maduro’s theft of Venezuelan resources will not be forgotten. The United States will continue to use all of its powers to preserve the Venezuelan people’s azsets and we encourage all nations to work together to do the same.”


“We have a good relationship with India and we want to continue this relationship. The relationships with India will continue, the trade will continue and we will simply expand all the trade and relationship,” Indian outlet Business Today quoted the Venezuelan minister as saying on the sidelines of the Petrotech conference in India this week.


At the start of the Venezuelan political crisis last month, Indian media reported that the Asian country continues to be one of the main buyers of Venezuelan crude oil. Indian refiners keep buying more than 400,000 barRels per day (bpd) of oil from the troubled Latin American country, which is sitting on the world’s largest crude oil resources.


In separate Venezuela-and-sanctions-related news, Bulgarian security officials said on Wednesday that they had blocked several bank accounts in a local bank that have received millions of euros from Venezuela’s state oil firm PDVSA, on which the US slapped sweeping sanctions at the end of January.


Bulgaria’s security services and prosecutor’s office were tipped off by the US about those money transfers and have blocked transfers out of the bank accounts.


We have established that there were money transfers from Venezuela, namely from the state oil company of Venezuela to these accounts,” Reuters quoted Bulgaria’s chief prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov as telling reporters.


The security officials will be looking into those accounts before deciding whether to press charges on money laundering, the prosecutor noted.